Guest House Homeless Encampment Faces Clearance for Renovation Project

In a city where homelessness is a growing concern, a homeless encampment has formed near the nonprofit organization Guest House in Milwaukee. The encampment, consisting of 50 tents and housing approximately 60 to 65 individuals, has been allowed to stay on Guest House property since June. However, the encampment is now facing eviction as Guest House plans to renovate the area.

The CEO of Guest House, Steve Bauer, explained that while he initially allowed the encampment to remain, his organization has been working to find alternative housing solutions for those residing there. Guest House has been providing essential services such as porta potties, food, water, and other resources to those living in the encampment. Now, due to the planned renovation, the encampment must vacate the property by October 12.

Bauer emphasized that no one will be forcibly removed from the encampment. The priority is to work with outreach workers and organizations in Milwaukee County to assist individuals in finding suitable housing options. However, there are challenges in securing affordable housing and obtaining the necessary documentation for some individuals. These barriers highlight the difficulties faced by the homeless population in transitioning from encampments to stable housing.

While the encampment has served as a temporary solution for those in need, the renovation plans for the property have been delayed. Bauer hopes to complete the renovation before November 11. In the meantime, efforts are being made to ensure the well-being and transition of those currently residing in the encampment.

The situation at the Guest House encampment is a reminder of the ongoing struggle to address homelessness in cities across the country. It highlights the need for affordable housing options and comprehensive support services for individuals experiencing homelessness. By working together, nonprofit organizations, local governments, and communities can continue to find innovative solutions and provide assistance to those in need.


1. What is the status of the homeless encampment near Guest House in Milwaukee?
– The homeless encampment consists of 50 tents and houses approximately 60 to 65 individuals. It has been allowed to stay on Guest House property since June but is now facing eviction.

2. Why is the encampment facing eviction?
– The encampment is facing eviction because Guest House plans to renovate the area where the encampment is located.

3. What services has Guest House been providing to those living in the encampment?
– Guest House has been providing essential services such as porta potties, food, water, and other resources to those living in the encampment.

4. What is the CEO of Guest House’s approach to evicting the encampment?
– The CEO of Guest House, Steve Bauer, has emphasized that no one will be forcibly removed from the encampment. The priority is to work with outreach workers and organizations in Milwaukee County to assist individuals in finding suitable housing options.

5. What challenges do individuals face in transitioning from encampments to stable housing?
– One challenge is securing affordable housing. Additionally, some individuals may face difficulties obtaining the necessary documentation for housing.

6. What is the timeline for the renovation plans?
– The renovation plans for the property are expected to be completed before November 11.

– Homelessness: The state of not having a home or a permanent place of residence.
– Encampment: A temporary settlement or community, often made up of tents, occupied by people who do not have access to permanent housing.
– Outreach workers: Professionals who work directly with homeless individuals to provide support, resources, and assistance in finding housing and other services.
– Nonprofit organization: An organization that operates to achieve a mission or purpose without distributing profits to any individuals or groups.

Suggested Related Links:
Homeless Shelter Directory
HUD Exchange – Homelessness Assistance
National Coalition for the Homeless