My Cat: The Teen Rebel

In my younger years, I experienced the excitement of getting away with a little mischief. Adolescence can be a stressful time, and I’ve heard enough stories from friends with teenage children to know that all sorts of unexpected things can happen. Recently, I discovered that even my cat can exhibit some rebellious behavior, reminiscent of a teenager.

Previously, I had expressed my annoyance with an imposter cat that had been sneaking through the cat door and helping itself to my own cat’s food. While I sympathized with its hunger, I couldn’t tolerate its illegal break-ins. The cat would make its raids in the late hours, often confusing me into thinking it was my own cat grabbing a midnight snack. Due to my poor eyesight in the dark, I didn’t always realize there was an intruder.

If this mysterious cat had made even the slightest effort to befriend me, perhaps I would have shown more empathy. But it didn’t, so I didn’t bother initiating any form of friendship either. I had no desire to become the neighborhood cat lady, after all.

Gradually, I came to realize that I was partly responsible for the intruder’s presence. Leaving the cat door open was an invitation for trouble. As a first step, I began closing it when I was away at work, hoping the uninvited guest would find another source of food elsewhere.

However, when the weather turned unbearably hot, I left the cat door open so that my own cat could choose a cooler spot. As life got busy and I found myself hosting international students, I was often away for long hours, coming home just to feed my own cat, shower, and sleep. Little did I know that my absence led to secret “parties” at my house.

When I eventually returned home after a long day, carrying bags and coolers, I caught both cats in the act of enjoying themselves in the kitchen. I could only interpret my own cat’s expression as one of guilt, but perhaps it was defiance. Normally, the imposter cat would flee at the sight of me, but this time it hesitated, as if waiting for approval.

As I unloaded my belongings, both cats swiftly escaped into the outdoors. I watched as the imposter, a plump white cat with a collar, dragged its belly across the gravel and disappeared into its own territory down the street. Who knows, perhaps it had also been inside my house at some point.

Although I admire my cat for its peaceful nature, I can’t help but wish it would put some effort into protecting its own food bowl. Some friends have suggested that I accept the imposter as a permanent addition to my household and give it a new name. But I’m still determined to challenge the situation. If I were to choose a name, it would be something that reflects its mischievous and marauding behavior – perhaps an ancient Viking name.

In the end, my cat’s rebellious streak has taught me to be more vigilant and proactive in protecting my home and my cat’s food. While I may not have a solution yet, I’m determined to find one that ensures both the safety of my cat and the security of my home.


1. What is the article about?
The article is about the author’s experience with an imposter cat sneaking into their house and stealing their cat’s food. It explores the author’s response to the situation and their determination to find a solution.

2. What is the cat door?
The cat door is a small opening in a door or wall that allows cats to come and go freely. It is designed to give cats independent access to the outdoors.

3. What was the author’s initial reaction to the imposter cat?
The author expressed annoyance with the imposter cat for sneaking through the cat door and stealing their cat’s food. They did not appreciate its illegal break-ins.

4. Why did the author leave the cat door open?
The author left the cat door open when the weather was hot to allow their own cat to choose a cooler spot. They also left it open when they were away for long hours, coming home just to feed their own cat, shower, and sleep.

5. What happened when the author returned home after a long day?
The author caught both cats in the act of enjoying themselves in the kitchen. Their own cat seemed guilty or defiant, while the imposter cat hesitated, as if waiting for approval. Both cats swiftly escaped outside when the author entered the house.

6. What did the author consider doing with the imposter cat?
Some friends suggested that the author accept the imposter cat as a permanent addition to their household and give it a new name. However, the author is determined to challenge the situation and find a solution.

7. What has the author learned from their cat’s rebellious streak?
The author has learned to be more vigilant and proactive in protecting their home and their cat’s food. They are determined to find a solution that ensures both the safety of their cat and the security of their home.

– Mischief: playful misbehavior or troublemaking.
– Rebellious: resistant to authority or control.
– Intruder: a person or animal who enters a place without permission.
– Collar: a band or strap worn around an animal’s neck, often used for identification purposes.
– Marauding: roving or raiding in search of plunder.

Related links:
Cats Protection: This website provides information and resources on cat behavior, care, and adoption.
Understanding Your Cat’s Behavior: This article from the Humane Society explains common cat behaviors and offers tips on understanding and managing them.
Cat Care Tips: Petfinder offers a comprehensive guide to cat care, covering topics such as feeding, grooming, and creating a safe environment.