Tension Mounts in Kano as Two Emirs Clash

In a dramatic turn of events, the ancient town of Kano is engulfed in tension as two Emirs battle for power. The deposed Emir of Kano, Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero, has taken shelter in the emir’s guest house, while the reinstated Emir, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, has reclaimed the Emir palace.

This power struggle has not only captivated the attention of the locals but has also grabbed the interest of the state government. The state governor, Alhaji Abba Kabir Yusuf, has even relocated his officers to the Emir’s palace, showcasing his support for the reinstated Emir.

The streets of Kano are filled with heavy security personnel, adding to the growing unease in the state. The State Commissioner of Police and other security operatives are holding a meeting at the police headquarters, preparing for any potential clashes.

The tension has intensified due to an existing court order from the Federal High Court, which demands that the status quo be maintained. This leaves the people of Kano in uncertainty, as they wait to see which of the two Emirs will step down. The decision holds significant implications for the future of the ancient town.

The divided loyalties are evident as the Emir of Kano, Malam Lamido, has appeared in public with traditional title holders by his side, asserting his authority. Meanwhile, the atmosphere remains charged, with the residents anxious about the outcome.

As the power struggle continues to unfold, the fate of Kano hangs in the balance. The resolution of this conflict will not only shape the future of the Emirate but also influence the political landscape of the state. With tensions running high, the people of Kano can only hope for a peaceful resolution to this power tussle that has gripped their beloved city.


1. What is the current situation in Kano?
– The ancient town of Kano is experiencing a power struggle between two Emirs, with one being deposed and the other being reinstated. The deposed Emir is residing in the emir’s guest house while the reinstated Emir has reclaimed the Emir palace.

2. Who is supporting the reinstated Emir?
– The state governor, Alhaji Abba Kabir Yusuf, has shown his support for the reinstated Emir by relocating his officers to the Emir’s palace.

3. What is the significance of the court order from the Federal High Court?
– The court order demands that the status quo be maintained, which means that the situation should remain as it was before the power struggle. This leaves the people of Kano uncertain about which Emir will step down.

4. How is the tension affecting the state of Kano?
– The streets of Kano are filled with heavy security personnel, causing growing unease among the residents. The State Commissioner of Police and other security operatives are also holding meetings to prepare for potential clashes.

5. What are the implications of this power struggle?
– The resolution of this conflict will not only shape the future of the Emirate but also influence the political landscape of the state. The fate of Kano hangs in the balance as tensions continue to rise.


– Emir: A title of high office in Islamic countries, typically a prince or ruler.
– Reinstated: To restore someone to a former position or rank.
– Status quo: The existing state of affairs or current situation.

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