In a devastating turn of events, a young couple was discovered lifeless at a guest house in Sinamangal, Kathmandu Metropolitan City-9. The victims have been identified as Bharat Bahadur Sarki, 23, and Karishma Sarki, in her early twenties, both hailing from Triveni Municipality-4, Bajura, as reported by the District Police Range Kathmandu. This shocking incident has left the community reeling with grief and seeking answers.
The couple had been residing at the Jharna Guest House since their arrival on July 30, creating a sense of normalcy during their stay. However, concern arose when they failed to respond to the guest house owner’s repeated calls for lunch earlier this afternoon. With growing unease, the owner promptly contacted the local authorities.
Authorities swiftly arrived on the scene and discovered the daunting truth upon unlocking the door to their room. Bharat Bahadur Sarki and Karishma Sarki were tragically found lifeless, leaving investigators with more questions than answers.
The police have not yet disclosed any details regarding the circumstances surrounding this devastating incident. However, an immediate investigation has been launched, and law enforcement officials are diligently working to uncover the truth behind this gruesome discovery. The shock and sorrow reverberating through the local community have highlighted the need for swift action and justice for the deceased couple.
While the investigation is still ongoing, the untimely demise of Bharat Bahadur Sarki and Karishma Sarki serves as a harrowing reminder of the unpredictability of life and the profound impact it can have on those left behind. May their souls find eternal peace, and may their loved ones find solace in the memories they shared.
1. Who were the victims in the tragic incident at the guest house in Sinamangal?
– The victims were Bharat Bahadur Sarki, 23, and Karishma Sarki, in her early twenties. They were a young couple from Triveni Municipality-4, Bajura.
2. What happened to the couple at the guest house?
– The couple was tragically found lifeless in their room at the Jharna Guest House.
3. When did the couple arrive at the guest house?
– They arrived on July 30.
4. What raised concerns about the couple’s well-being?
– The guest house owner became concerned when the couple failed to respond to repeated calls for lunch.
5. What actions were taken after the concerns were raised?
– The owner of the guest house promptly contacted the local authorities.
6. Have the authorities disclosed any details about the circumstances surrounding the incident?
– No, the police have not yet revealed any information about the circumstances.
7. Has an investigation been launched?
– Yes, an immediate investigation has been initiated by the authorities.
8. What impact has this incident had on the community?
– The community is reeling with grief and seeking answers, highlighting the need for swift action and justice.
– Sinamangal: A neighborhood in Kathmandu Metropolitan City.
– Bajura: A municipality in Nepal.
Related links:
– The Kathmandu Post
The source of the article is from the blog