Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha Emphasizes Streamlining Hospitality and Protocol Department for Increased Revenue

Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha recently chaired a review meeting of the Hospitality and Protocol Department, gathering top officials to discuss strategies for improving operations and boosting revenue. In attendance were Chief Secretary Atal Dulloo, Satish Chandra (Chairman of J&K Real Estate Regulatory Authority), Santosh D Vaidya (Principal Secretary Finance Department), Dr. Rashmi Singh (Commissioner Secretary, Hospitality & Protocol and Principal Resident Commissioner), Dr. Mandeep Kumar Bhandari (Principal Secretary to Lt Governor), Bhupinder Kumar (Secretary Public Works R&B), and Achal Sethi (Secretary Law), among other senior officers.

During the meeting, Lieutenant Governor Sinha highlighted the importance of establishing quantifiable goals to increase revenue and optimize the department’s operations. He urged for the maximum utilization of guest houses, convention centers, and conference facilities to cater to the needs of tourists and facilitate public-private partnerships (PPP).

Lieutenant Governor Sinha also stressed the significance of promoting PPP initiatives, emphasizing that such collaborations would enhance the department’s efficiency and generate additional revenue. By encouraging the adoption of the PPP model, the Lt Governor aims to combine public resources and private sector expertise for mutual benefits.

Furthermore, the meeting addressed the rental structure of government-run guest houses and discussed plans for infrastructure renovation. These topics are crucial for ensuring the comfort and satisfaction of visitors, as well as attracting more tourists to the region.

Overall, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha’s review meeting sought to streamline the operations of the Hospitality and Protocol Department. By implementing quantifiable goals, promoting PPP initiatives, and revamping infrastructure, the department aims to create a thriving tourism and hospitality ecosystem that contributes significantly to the region’s revenue and growth.

FAQ Section:

Q: Who chaired the review meeting of the Hospitality and Protocol Department?
A: Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha chaired the meeting.

Q: Who were the top officials in attendance at the meeting?
A: Chief Secretary Atal Dulloo, Satish Chandra (Chairman of J&K Real Estate Regulatory Authority), Santosh D Vaidya (Principal Secretary Finance Department), Dr. Rashmi Singh (Commissioner Secretary, Hospitality & Protocol and Principal Resident Commissioner), Dr. Mandeep Kumar Bhandari (Principal Secretary to Lt Governor), Bhupinder Kumar (Secretary Public Works R&B), and Achal Sethi (Secretary Law), among other senior officers were present at the meeting.

Q: What was discussed during the meeting?
A: The meeting discussed strategies for improving operations and boosting revenue of the Hospitality and Protocol Department. It also addressed topics such as rental structure of government-run guest houses and plans for infrastructure renovation.

Q: What was emphasized by Lieutenant Governor Sinha during the meeting?
A: Lieutenant Governor Sinha stressed the importance of establishing quantifiable goals to increase revenue and optimize the department’s operations. He also highlighted the significance of promoting public-private partnerships (PPP) initiatives.

Key Terms/Jargon:

1. Hospitality and Protocol Department: Refers to the department responsible for managing hospitality and protocol services in a particular region.

2. Public-Private Partnerships (PPP): A collaborative arrangement between the public sector (government) and private sector (businesses) to jointly carry out projects or services.

3. Guest houses: Accommodation facilities typically run by the government to provide temporary lodging for visitors.

4. Convention centers: Facilities designed to host large gatherings, conferences, and events.

5. Infrastructure renovation: Refers to the process of improving or upgrading the physical structures and facilities of an area or organization.

Related Links:

J&K Real Estate Regulatory Authority

Department of Food and Public Distribution

Jammu and Kashmir Finance Department